Make sure you fill out all areas of the form. You can mentor for up to 3 programs listed on the form. You will get a THANK YOU confirmation once you submit the form. Please print the form so you remember what dates you have signed up for. We give you the flexibility to sign up to mentor according to what is convenient to your schedule. Please look at your schedule carefully and plan for the dates you sign up for. If you signup, you are expected to SHOW UP! Not showing up or canceling your commitments to us can lead to removal from the mentor program. This is a commitment and you are expected to keep it. Three "no shows" will warrant removal from the mentor program. If we have to cancel the programs due to inclement weather, please look at on the homepage. We post all cancelations there.
Please note that all mentors under the age of 18 must have their parents electronic signature giving you permission to mentor for the program(s) you have signed up for on this page.
If you have questions please email:
All information collected is kept confidential. Your email will be used for Pathways to send mentor and program updates. You can always unsubscribe whenever you wish. To read our privacy policy and terms, please refer to the footer at the bottom of our homepage.
You can sign up for one or up to three programs, but make sure you fill out at least one program with the dates you can mentor for below. Once again, if you sign up, you are expected to show up. Signing up to mentor is a commitment!